Yet another cute cat book you say? Sure, the World of Your Litter Box appears to be just another cute cat book, but that’s merely a ruse to get human cat lovers to buy it. In fact, The World Is Your Litterbox is a how-to manual for cats, written by one of their own (Quasi) and full of must-know information such as…
How to Get Food Anytime You Want It
How to Get Your Human to Sing & Act Like a Complete Idiot
How to Wake Your Human from Even the Deepest Sleep
How to Annoy Humans Who Are Allergic to Cats
Good Places to Throw Up
Good Places to Hide
The World Is Your Litter Box is edgy, laugh-out-loud funny, loaded with cat attitude (would you expect anything less?), and underscored by the combative, yet loving relationship between Quasi and his human, Steve. Sure to please even the most finicky cat (and human) readers.

QUASI is a charming and intelligent 18-pound cat, white with baby blue eyes. Part Siamese, he has an extensive vocabulary and is not shy about using it to get what he wants. Like all cats, Quasi possesses the wisdom of the ages and an overabundance of kitty cuteness. He lives in Studio City, California with his human, Steve, and Steve’s female, Judy.
STEVE FISHER (Quasi’s typist and personal assistant) grew up in the San Francisco Bay Area and moved to Southern California in 1980. At various points, he was a musician, a radio disc jockey, and a record producer before finding his true path as a writer. He “works” long hours at his computer and according to Quasi, does not appear to have a real job. When not writing, Steve spends his time catering to Quasi’s every want and whim. He lives in Studio City, California with his wife, Judy, and of course, Quasi.